Honey & Bloom X The Bold Italic

Recently, I created an exclusive print for The Bold Italic, California Native Blooms. I ventured out to explore many California natives. There are so many beautiful wildflowers and picking a few to represent this state was definitely hard to do. I chose 4 blooms that really stood out to me because of their color, shape, and size. This print is an interpretation of the Clarkia flower, California Poppy, Matilija Poppy, and the Douglas Iris. There are many types of Clarkias and they come in an array of colors ranging from pink to magenta. The ones I saw were round in shape, fuchsia, and looked like they had more petals than they actually possessed. The California Poppy is the state flower. You can’t miss them this time of year; their yellow and orange shades can be seen for miles all over the state. The Matilija Poppy would have to be one of my favorite blooms; they are absolutely breathtaking. They look like tissue paper flowers and have wrinkly white petals with bright yellow centers. The Douglas Iris drew my attention because of its distinct shape. They mainly come in white, yellow, blue or purple, but some of the blooms I saw were a mix of those colors, creating the most beautiful greenish blue and purplish tones.

Read up on my exclusive interview here and head to The Bold Italic shop to pick one up!


All images courtesy of The Bold Italic.


Cheers and enjoy!